Infrastructure - Serra da Lua

The PPBio modules at the Serra da Lua site are located on the left bank of the Rio Branco, about 50 km from Boa Vista. From Boa Vista, access is via Avenida das Guianas to Ponte do Macuxis, which crosses the Rio Branco and gives access to BR 401. After 8.5 km via BR 401, a right-hand turn gives access to RR 432 After traveling 2.5 km on RR 432, take RR 207, which gives access to the Castelão Norte and Tangará farms. The distance traveled on RR 207 to Fazenda Castelão Norte is 34.6 km.
Mapa de acesso para Fazenda Tangará
Logistical support
The company F.I.T. Manejo Florestal do Brasil Ltda. it has two farms (Tangará and Castelão Norte) in the vicinity of the modules. Fazenda Castelão Norte has a two-storey house and two external bathrooms. At the bottom there is a kitchen equipped with a refrigerator, freezer, industrial stove, a pantry to store groceries and a place for meals with tables and wooden bench. The veranda accommodates approximately 30 hammocks. At the top there are two bedrooms with accommodation for three people each and a bathroom. The headquarters has 24-hour electricity supply.
Fazenda Tangará has a structure with accommodation for more than 100 hammocks, with large bathrooms with washbasins, showers, urinal and toilet. The large kitchen with freezer, industrial stove and pantry for groceries and also a place for meals. Electricity is provided by a generator that is switched on in two periods: in the morning and at night from 6 pm to 10 pm.
Plot infrastructure
The plots were installed on a mosaic of A. mangium plantations of different ages, in remnants of plowing, seasonal semideciduous forest and gallery forest. The land parcels are 250 m long and vary in width, according to the RAPELD standard.
There are already 37 permanent plots in operation with an inventory of the structure and floristry for trees with a diameter at breast height ≥ 1 cm in a range of 2 x 250 m. Altogether there are 10 parcels per module. Of the total, 15 plots are in a chronosequence of A. mangium plantations implanted in 2000 (2 plots), 2003 (2 plots), 2004 (3 plots), 2005 (5 plots) and 2006 (3 plots). The remaining 25 plots are distributed in remnants of plowing (12 plots), gallery forest (5 plots) and seasonal deciduous forest (8 plots).
Table 1. Type of vegetation and installation of the RAPELD plots in the Serra da Lua Modules.
(Source: Jessica Cravo -

Geographic coordinates
2nd 46'0 "N
60º 24'0 "W
The F.I.T. Manejo Florestal do Brasil Ltda. provides transportation and an employee to move between modules.
Technical support
F.I.T. Manejo Florestal
F.I.T - Manejo Florestal do Brasil LTDA
Departamento Florestal/Pesquisa
Av. Cap. Julio Bezerra, Nº 1721 - 31 de Março 
Boa Vista - Roraima.
CEP - 69301-410
Telefone:+ 55 99 3212-3300
José Júlio Toledo -
Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP), Macapá, AP