Figure 1. Individuals of the species, Allobates nunciatus Moraes, Pavan & Lima 2019, including two adult males (A, B), one adult female (C) and one young (D).
Photographs by: J. Cassimiro (A), J. Gomes (B) and L. Moraes (C, D).

Figure 2. Structure of the announcement call of Allobates nunciatus Moraes, Pavan & Lima 2019.
Exemple of the call of Allobates nunciatus Moraes, Pavan & Lima 2019.
Male of the species Allobates nunciatus Moraes, Pavan & Lima 2019 emitting typical presence call variable character but mostly formed by groups of 4 notes.
Video by A.P. Lima.
Moraes, L.J.C.L., Pavan, D. & Lima, A.P. (2019) A new nurse frog of
Allobates masniger-
nidicola complex (Anura, Aromobatidae) from the east bank of Tapajós River, eastern Amazonia.
Zootaxa, 4648(3), 401-434. DOI: