January 6 to 15, 2017 in the Tapajós National Forest.
Training in the installation of permanent plots of uniform distribution, was presented by Thaiane Rodrigues de Sousa and Maria Aparecida de Freitas, of the Center for Integrated Studies of Amazonian Biodiversity (CENBAM) and Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio), in the meeting center of the Acaratinga community.
The main objective was to train the community in the techniques for installing permanent plots of uniform distribution, following the protocol established by the PPBio.
The training was attended by 22 people from the communities of Acaratinga and Jaguarari, where the first two plots out of a final total of 20 are being installed. The new modules under construction are part of the Long-Term biodiversity monitoring project (PELD/LTER) to evaluate the effects of environmental and climatic changes on the diversity of plant and animal species, under the coordination of Dr. Albertina Lima.
The training began with a theoretical power point presentation which aimed to contextualize the The Community Scientific Ecotourism project developed by the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA); to be developed in the communities. Subsequently, the practical activity of installing the plots with the community was carried out.
At the end of the activities, 22 community members were trained in how to install permanent parcels of uniform distribution. PPBio believes that the professional qualification of these people can lead to a social transformation, through the valorization and qualification of the local workforce involving the most diverse areas of scientific research.

Text: Thaiane Sousa