Leaf Litter Collection following fire on a RAPELD survey plot - Novo Airão.

      On November 5, 2015, CENBAM researchers carried out a tour of the municipality of Novo Airão, in order to verify the consequences of forest fires that took place on 20-22 September in a “campinarana” (meadowland) area. Due to the scarcity of data on fires in this type of environment, the researchers realized that this would be a  great opportunity to collect data to quantify the impact of fire at this time of year in the metropolitan region of Manaus.

      Researchers Emilio Manabu Higashikawa, Jefferson José Valsko da Silva and Maria Aparecida de Freitas took 50 x 50 cm leaf litter samples at 25 points on a survey plot that was implemented in June 2015, by Ecology graduates. The samples were properly packed and brought to the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), where they are being screened. In addition, researchers have also made an analysis of the vegetation structure by surveying trees killed by fire.

       In the future it will be possible to use this and subsequent data, to do a more detailed study of the causes and impacts of forest fires in “campinarana” areas in order to not only prevent, but also to try to reverse, in the most appropriate manner, the damage caused by the fire.

Text: Rina Oliveira

Photos: Jefferson Valsko.

Campinara_queimada liteira_carbonizada arvore_queimada