We at INCT- Center for Integrated Studies on Amazon Biodiversity (CENBAM) / PPBio Amazônia Ocidental would like to congratulate the 1st and 2nd place of the 29th edition of the Young Scientist Award, JOÃO VITOR CAMPOS E SILVA and
CAROLINA LEVIS, ex-graduate students of the INPA Ecology Course, students of Dr. Mariana Anciães and Dr. Flávia Regina Capellotto Costa, respectively.
The award is an initiative of the CNPq-National Council for Scientific and Technological Development / Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications, in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, Grupo Boticário Foundation of Nature Protection, Banco do Brasil and the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The award ceremony took place on December 5, at the Planalto Palace, in Brasília. Congratulations on your achievement and success in your career!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/premiojovemcientista/
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