The Abstracts Book of the III Cenbam PPBio Symposium on Western Amazonia is available on the website
The III Symposium and CENBAM PPBio Western Amazon took place between 17/18 and 19 and November 2015 and had the participation of researchers involved with the integrated study of Amazonian biodiversity. The book of abstracts contains works on the themes presented during the Symposium, such as: abiotic factors, database, collections, fauna, flora and fungi. It was financed by PPBio, CENBAM, FAPEAM, CNPq, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, INPA and National Institutes of Science and Technology. In addition, it had the support of partner institutions: Museu da Amazônia - MUSA, Amazon Foundation for the Defense of the Biosphere - FDB and Restaurante Banzeiro.
The book of abstracts is available
Text: Rina Oliveira.

Photo: Emilio Higashikawa.