Seminar on Monitoring Biodiversity Impacts in Forest Concession Areas, focusing on the National Forest of Jamari, held in Porto Velho / RO and the National Forest of Jamari / RO on March 30 and 31, 2010.

More than 40 people, including researchers, concessionaires, students and technicians from the Forest Service were present at the Rio Candeias Auditorium, at the Aquarius Selva Hotel, in Porto Velho and in the National Forest of Jamari (RO) on March 30 and 31, 2010 to discuss o Monitoring Biodiversity Impacts in Forest Concession areas. The immediate focus of the discussion was the Jamari National Forest, where the first Forest Management Units (FMUs) of concessions managed by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) are installed.
The Seminar was organized on the initiative of the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), with the support of GTZ. The main objective was to subsidize the Forest Monitoring and Audit Management (GEMAF) for the establishment of guidelines for monitoring programs for the impact of forest exploitation in concessions to be established by recognized research organizations and with the support of concessionaires, which can obtain discount bonus from the forestry price to be paid to SFB.
Source: Seminar report. To read it all, click here.