Workshop on Analysis of Targets for Conservation in Tapajós and Juruena

The workshop “Analysis of Conservation Targets for the Tapajós and Juruena River Basins” was held in Rio de Janeiro, in the auditorium of the Energy Research Company, Av. Rio Branco, 1, 9th floor, on May 31 and 01 June 2011, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.
The event aimed to analyze the degree of knowledge of the region's flora and fauna, identify secondary data sources and information gaps and point out the conservation targets that will guide the survey of hydroecological information in the basins of the Tapajós and Juruena rivers.
Researchers Albertina Lima, Jansen Zuanen and William Mangusson from CENBAM participated, in addition to researchers from INPA, GOELDI Museum, UNEMAT, CETEM, as well as technicians from EPE, ICMBio, IBAMA, MME and MMA.