Researcher Matthew Jones, from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - NCEAS, was in Manaus from 5 to 12 June 2010 to conduct training on the implementation of Metacat software (a free and flexible data and metadata repository to store data scientific, especially related to studies in biology and environmental sciences) and Morpho (a metadata editor). This software was developed by the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) and will be used by PELD projects in Brazil. This training is part of the CNPq project: Data Management of Long-Term Ecological Projects.

On Thursday Matthew gave a lecture to the general public in the PDBFF lecture theatre.
Informatics approaches to enable reproducible science
Speaker: Dr. Matthew Jones - Director of Informatics Research & Development. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - NCEAS
Date: 10/06/2010. (Thursday)
Time: 17:00
Location: BADPI Auditorium (Campus II-INPA)
Free entrance
Abstract: Pressures on environmental and ecological systems have stimulated broad scale, interdisciplinary approaches to studying and understanding natural systems. Matthew Jones from NCEAS at UC Santa Barbara will discuss the importance of sharing data and analysis in open, reproducible systems in order to facilitate cross-cutting analysis and modeling approaches. By adopting open science, open data, and open source approaches, we can maximize the utility of scientific information for environmental policy issues.
Data that is already available