Infrastruture Módulo 3 - Fazenda Iracema, Cláudia/MT

Fazenda Iracema is located in the region known as “Dry Forests of Mato Grosso”, which covers part of the states of Mato Grosso (north) and Pará (south). Its total area corresponds to about 10% of the Amazon Biome and constitutes a transition zone, limited to the north and west by the rainforest, and to the east and south by the Cerrado. The vegetation consists of tree species and features of the Amazonian transition forest.
The module is inserted in an area represented by a small segment of forest about two kilometers wide, surrounded in the east and east by soybean and corn plantations, but there is a connection between two large areas of native vegetation, representing a corridor of vegetation.
Access to Fazenda Iracema is via the federal highway BR-163 in the direction of the municipality of Alta Floresta and later on the state highway MT-423 towards the municipality of Cláudia. Leaving MT-423 and following some dirt roads (about 5 to 6 km) between soybean and corn fields, you arrive at the module camp.
In this module there is no accommodation structure for research.
Students and researchers use a construction made of wood and covered with a zinc plate for camping. There is also a watercourse about 80 m from the camp which is used for personal and collective hygiene.
The module consists of two trails spaced at 1 km, forming a rectangle of 3 km2. A permanent plot of 250 m was installed at each kilometer of this system, resulting in 8 land parcels. There is a permanent watercourse between plots 1 and 2, next to them there are 2 plots of 250 m considered riparian.
Access infrastructures in the field
The module's parcels are about 400 m away from the camp and can be accessed by a trail. There are secondary trails that connect the two main trails and are found near the beginning of the plots. Students and researchers use a road (3,200 m) that crosses the module between parcels 3 and 4, allowing access to parcel 8 as well.
Geographic coordinates
11 ° 39 ’09.4’ ’S
55 ° 04 ’54.6’ ’W
Ford Ranger
Mitsubishi L200
Cars from the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Sinop campus.
Prof. Dr. Domingos de Jesus Rodrigues