Infrastructure KM 34 Module

From Manaus it is necessary to go to the ferry from CEASA to cross to the municipality of Careiro da Várzea. The ferry crossing costs R $ 35.00 and it is possible to access the module in passenger cars. There are approximately 38 km of roads in good condition until the entrance to the branch, but the driver must be aware of the lack of signs, holes that are difficult to be seen on rainy days and the large number of animals that frequently cross the road ( oxen, dogs etc). There is also the option to reach the bus extension. To do this, you need to take a “voadeira” at the port of CEASA (R $ 12.00 each way), then a bus just outside the port in Careiro da Várzea (R $ 11.00) and ask the driver to drop you off at the Purupuru Branch. From the Ramal entrance (in front of the Equator post), it is necessary to travel 2 km on a dirt road. You can also choose to take a taxi and pay around R $ 50.00 to Dona Irene's house.
Conditions of the trails and camps
Access to the camp is via a trail behind the house of Seu Sabá. The trail is frequently clean and has approximately 150 m, which allows a smooth loading of materials and supplies to the camp area. The camp was built with capoeira woods that have low resistance and are constantly attacked by termites. Because of this, care is needed in the places where the nets will be placed. The module is in an area of ​​flooded forests and that during the dry season they have an understory with a low density of species, in addition to many branches that require deviations from the main trail. For these characteristics it is recommended to load the GPS points before entering the module and always be accompanied by a field assistant who knows the trail. The southern trail suffered a fire in early 2010 so its characteristics are of an area impacted by fire.
What's nearby?
The module is located on a branch with ancient human occupation, with many houses of residents along the road. At the entrance to the branch there is a gas station and some small markets where it is possible to find provisions for fieldwork, if necessary.
Where to get water?
In M01 there is a wooden well dug 20m from the camp. The well must be used to draw water for drinking and cooking. The well water must be treated with some type of disinfectant (such as chlorine) whenever it is used for drinking or cooking. It is recommended to take chlorine to put directly in the well as it is left unused for long periods and there may be proliferation of insects. If you are going to use the well water to bathe, remember to do this away from the well box to avoid water contamination. Also, keep the well closed. There is a stream that, during the rainy season, can also be used for bathing, approximately 1 km away from the camp, opposite the module entrance. Access must be done during the day, avoiding the trails at night.
Local staff
Because of the conditions of the trail it is important to have a field assistant who is a local resident. There is a possibility to hire some residents for fieldwork. For cooking there is Dona Irene, who when she is not working can prepare food at her house. Dona Irene does not cook in the camp. Besides it is possible to hire Sr. Sabá to stay in the camp to take care of the material during the day and cooking. Each researcher is responsible for settling the amount paid for the days of service of the local staff. Contact PPBio management to get in touch with local residents. Contact can be made via telephone.
The M01 camp is not far from the branch and there are many local residents who use the trails to access fields and other areas such as orchards or chestnut trees. It is not recommended to leave the camp unattended during your stay in the module, even if no material theft events are known. Carry cash and valuable equipment with you whenever possible and hire someone to take care of the camp.
If you need help
If you need help you can turn to local residents, preferably Dona Irene. The nearest municipality is Careiro da Várzea, 38 km away from the module. In the municipality of Careiro it is possible to hire “voadeira” to get to Manaus quickly (30 min), until 5 pm. Calls via cell phones can also be made on the road by the operator Vivo, but often there is only a sign at the edge of the BR-319 highway, at the exit of the branch .. To return by car, the crossing time is approximately 1 hour when the river is full and twice as long with the river during the dry season In the city of Careiro da Várzea there are grocery stores, a restaurant / inns, a place to buy ice, a pharmacy and a bakery. Local shops do not work at night.
In this module, care against mosquitoes must be increased. So if you are allergic to insect bites do not forget the antihistamine, mosquito net and repellent!
Term of commitment and rules of conduct
Before going to the field, you must download, read and sign the Term of Commitment and Standards of Conduct of BR-319 and send it to the PPBio Management at email
See the maps and topographic profile of the module
Download the official GIS with all points along the BR-319: Shapefiles Modules BR-319
Gerência PPBio
Coordenação de Pesquisas em Ecologia
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia