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DAMBROS, C. S.; MORAIS, J. W. ; VASCONCELLOS, A.; FRANKLIN, E. 2020. Defining a termite sampling protocol for ecological studies: An effective method to increase statistical power. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY, v. 96, p. 103145. Key Words: Jones & Eggleton protocol, Social insect, Species distribution, Transect method, Termite survey, Trophic groups, Beta-diversity. Available for download

Pteronotus personatus

Pteronotus personatus

Promops centralis

Promops centralis

Head body measurement is from 56 to 95 mm, and the weight is between 18 and 32 g. Promops centralis is the largest species of Promops. Dorsal pelage is reddish brown to dark brown or blackish, with whitish bases to hair. Palate of Promops is highly domed compared with relatively flat palate of its sister-genus Molossus.
