

One goal of PPBio / CENBAM is the scientific exchange and collaboration between partners. Here are some of the actions already taken (since 2010):


Opiliolibrary - Digital Library of Amazonian Harvestmen (Opiliones) 

Training and Capacity Building

One of PPBio's goals is to integrate human resource training programs at all levels of training within the Amazon basin, from community groups to graduate programs, using existing human resources and training local teachers to teach regular courses in their regions . Here the actions already taken:




PPBio promotes training courses for employees of environmental agencies and other interested parties in the investigation of biodiversity and scientific exchange and collaboration between partners. 

Check the schedule of past and present events here.


Reports on do PPBio Amazonia’s activities.
Minutes of meetings or the co-ordination of regional PPBio centres, and others.
Work plans proposed by PPBio team members.
