Training Course - Ecological tourism guides in the RDS of Rio Negro.

The training course for ecological tourism guides in the RDS of Rio Negro took place between the 16th, 17th and 18th of April 2022 at Ramal Uga-Uga, located in the RDS Rio Negro, accessed via Km 26 of the highway AM-352, which connects the municipalities of Manacapuru and Novo Airão.
Objective: to share scientific knowledge about various biological groups that occur on the trail of the Uga-Uga branch module. Training incorporates an accessible and playful language and visits to places of interest, which can be used on ecotourism tours.
Workload: 28 hours.
Lectures covered in the course:
1. Discovering ants that don't like sugar; MSc. Amanda Batista Silva and Dr. Fabrício Baccaro;
2. The butterflies of the RDS of the Rio Negro; Dr. Rafael Rabelo and Dr. Fabrício Baccaro;
3. The frogs of the Rio Negro RDS; Dr. Albertina Lima;
4. The plants of the RDS of the Rio Negro: MSc. Francisco Farroñay Pacaya;
5. The birds of the RDS of the Rio Negro: MSc. Ramiro Melinski;
6. Hidden life that sustains the forest: Dr. William Magnusson.
* Monitored tours of the Uga-Uga branch trail for practical presentation of the content shared during the lectures. Each tour will have the participation of at least one monitor and a group of seven participants.
Organization: CNPq/FAPEAM