In the northern Pantanal, the complete grid of permanent plots has been precariously maintained in Pirizal. This grid was physically established, with a concrete frame at zero point and an iron rod marked along the 250 m of each parcel. Currently, there is accommodation for a few scientists in Pirizal, but there is a good infrastructure for research nearby, the Advanced Research Base of the Pantanal (UFMT), with laboratories, accommodation, and a complete meteorological station, in addition to a greenhouse gas monitoring station. greenhouse, managed by the PPG in Environmental Physics at UFMT.
In the SESC Pantanal reserve, five modules were also implemented, each 5 km long, but the layout of the modules did not follow the same design as the other two grids in the Pantanal. For a broader coverage of the flood gradient in the RPPN SESC Pantanal area, two modules were established close to the Cuiabá River, and another three modules were established on higher ground, further away from the riverbank. A total of 23 plots were implanted in the five modules, each 250 m long, along which the vegetation was sampled in transects 50 m long and with variable width, depending on the type of vegetation. The effects of the flood on the local vegetation were sampled, in this way, in 115 sampling units, between 2006 and 2007. At the time, the administration of RPPN SESC Pantanal provided logistical support for travel and accommodation for researchers. Still at NPN, two additional temporary modules were implemented, one in the Cáceres region (Baía de Pedra module, located on private property) and another in Santo Antônio do Leverger (UFMT Experimental Farm Module). These modules, however, have no physical delimitation, only geographic, and have not been used anymore.
In southern Pantanal, the grid of permanent plots has been maintained at Fazenda Nhumirim. This grid is complete and is physically established, with concrete posts and signage. The six temporary modules have not been used and have no physical structure, only geographical coordinates. As a support structure, Fazenda Nhumirim has accommodation infrastructure, field laboratories, and a meteorological station, in addition to the RPPN Nhumirim. The meteorological station, located inside the permanent grid, has been recording data for precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity of the air, evaporation, sunshine, wind speed for 36 years. As of 2006, an automatic telemetric meteorological station was installed, close to the conventional one, which records precipitation, temperature, and relative air humidity; solar radiation; speed, direction and gusts of wind; atmospheric pressure, and dew point temperature