Carbon production and stock article is published in Forest Ecology and Management magazine.

The work was carried out in Roraima, where the researchers examined the effect of an environmental gradient with different hydro-edaphic characteristics on the production and carbon stock of woody waste (dead wood), in an area of ​​the Rio Negro and Rio Branco basin in the grid of the Viruá National Park. The researchers compare the carbon production of wood waste in areas of seasonally flooded and non-flooded oligotrophic forests. The authors indicate that the greatest carbon production from these residues is found in open forests that occur in environments free from the influence of seasonal floods. The lowest carbon stocks of woody residues were associated with environments conditioned by sandy soils and strongly influenced by seasonal floods. They claim that the carbon stocks of woody residues in oligotrophic forests in Viruá are partially explained by the biomass of live trees that is determined by the different environmental conditions along the hydro-edaphic gradient. The researchers suggest the adoption of different reference values ​​(% of carbon from dead wood in relation to living biomass) for each type of ecosystem in the region in order to improve the estimates of carbon stored throughout the Brazilian Amazon.
To see the article click here.

Text: Rina Oliveira