The technical manual deals with the methodological aspects of conservation and monitoring of Amazonian turtles, and provides information on environmental education and participation of local communities in the process.
It is a joint effort of ICMBio, Ibama and major research institutions and conservation, updating methods and technical guidelines used in the conservation of Amazonian turtles, becoming a reference for servers, researchers, students and other potential stakeholders. The book is a product expected for the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Turtles Amazon, it consolidates the state of the art knowledge on the conservation of Amazon turtles in Brazil; the natural history and biology of the species; issues related to community involvement; and the actions of planning the preparation of breeding areas, through the monitoring of the nests to the management of puppies.
The objective work to standardize and even among different social actors, whether public bodies and non-governmental organizations, management methodologies and population monitoring Amazonian turtles, fundamental prerogative to consolidate the SisQuelônios database - Management and Information System of Chelonia Amazon, shared with Ibama and coordinated by the National Center for Research and Conservation of Reptiles and Amphibians - RAN / ICMBio, which will facilitate comparative analysis of multiple variables resulting from various research projects and monitoring the like.
The manual is available in digital format for free
download (In Portuguese).
Text: Rafael Balestra