Between 3 and 6 August 2010 took place in Brasilia I Database Workshop, offered by PPBio / CENBAM / INPA in partnership with IBAMA / DILIC at Ibama Training Center (CENTRE), Altarquias South Sector (SAS), QD 05 Block "H", room 606, in Brasilia.

The workshop was aimed at training in the use of database and data repositories and metadata and included the participation of 29 analysts of the Brazilian Forest Service, IBAMA, ICMBio, MMA and 2 fellows INCT Climate Change.
Instructors Flavia Costa (PPBio / CENBAM / INPA), Flavia Pezzini (PPBio / CENBAM - LTER), Pablo Hendrigo (PPBio / CENBAM) and Joseph Salim (CNPq-Embrapa Acre) addressed topics such as logic and tables structure, relationships, building database and metadata. During the preparation, the course also had the collaboration of researchers Rainer Amorim (PPBio / CENBAM - LTER) and Dayane Oliveira (PPBio / CENBAM).
Participants were able to replicate the entire procedure for establishing a database, from the collection in the field, the modeling of the bank, building scripts for creating tables, entering data and queries.
In addition, the instructors had a database proposed for use in EIA and monitoring studies, and their connection with zoological collections and herbaria and another proposal for general purpose database.
On the last day of the workshop, there was a meeting with Dr. Braulio Dias, director of biodiversity conservation of the Ministry of Environment (MMA), Dr. Claudia Azevedo Ramos, the Brazilian Forest Service and the participants of the workshop to discuss the creation of repositories and databases of environmental institutions of the Brazilian government.
Confira a programação da oficina e o material didático disponível aqui.